In the realm of temperature measurement, this section delves into the world of non-contact thermometry, as highlighted in the article “Non-contact Temperature Sensors” on Instrumentation Tools. The primary advantage of non-contact thermometry, also known as pyrometry, is evident: the ability to make a wide range of temperature measurements without placing a sensor in direct contact with the process. This opens avenues for measurements that are impractical or impossible with other technologies.

However, non-contact thermometry has its limitations. It provides only the surface temperature of an object, offering insights into thermal radiation but not the true temperature of the material beneath the surface. For example, when doctors use non-contact thermometry for assessing body temperature irregularities, they are measuring only skin temperature. While it can detect “hot spots” beneath the surface, it relies on surface temperature differences.

Surprisingly, non-contact pyrometry has a history nearly as old as thermocouple technology, with the first non-contact pyrometer constructed in 1892.

Click here to learn more about Blaze Technical Services’ cutting-edge solutions in temperature sensing technology.

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